
Eclipse PDT extension for Yii


Yiiclipse is PDT extension for PHP programmers working with Yii Framework. It is intended to leverage productivity of each Yii developer to the level knows from commercial products. It delivers variety of serious enchantments making working with yii framework a great pleasure. Initially all the feature were implemented ad-hoc whenever I feel the lack of any functionality. At the moment two of them - most mature and well tested I decided put into public. Hope it will be helpful and I am sure very shortly You can't imaging working with yii application without yiiclipse ;).


Update Site: http://yiiclipse.maziarz.org/updatesite/1.0/

New Yii project wizard

In order to setup new yii application you need just use "New Yii project" wizard. With couple of basic step you will have initial application in your workspace.

File > New > Project > Yiiclipse > New Yii project

First page of wizard is for choosing project's name. Second one is more interesting. You can configure project and initialize your application here.

Yii framework location

You may choose to use local copy of framework, or download fresh copy. In case of downloading you can additionally initialize application with one of application comes with each yii release.

New Yii project configuration

Application initializing

The following options are avaliable:

  • None - empty application
  • Hello world - just simple application
  • Blog - most comprehensive example
  • Hangman - basically "hangman" game
  • Phonebook - flex based application, backended with yii

Adding yii framework support to existing PHP project

Just open context menu on your project and choose Configure > Toggle Yii support

After successfully switching on yii support you should see yii logo decoration on right-top corner of you project's icon.


Navigation seems to be most powerful and useful feature Yiiclipse can offer. The following navigation are available: